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Big Tobacco Urges The Feds To Issue Marijuana Tax Stamps

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As the battle against the illicit cannabis market continues, the Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education, and Regulation (CPEAR) has unveiled a comprehensive report proposing several policy measures. These strategies aim to address the unlicensed marijuana sales issue, offering potential solutions to reduce illicit cannabis activities across the United States.

Or, is this just the beginning of a strategic stranglehold by the alcohol and tobacco industries to gain control and reduce competition from the legal cannabis market?

Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay

Why It Matters

CPEAR, a coalition including heavyweight tobacco/alcohol giants like Altria Client Services, Reynolds American, Molson Coors Beverage Company, and Constellation Brands, believes that a multifaceted approach is necessary to eliminate the illicit cannabis market. Their proposals encompass innovative technologies, data analysis, and collaboration between law enforcement, policymakers, and the regulated cannabis industry.

Centralized Track-and-Trace and Tax Stamps

One of the standout suggestions from the 35-page CPEAR report is the introduction of a federal marijuana tax stamp system. This concept harkens back to the early 1900s when the government cracked down on cannabis commerce. Under this proposal, licensed cannabis businesses would affix tax stamps to their products, indicating that appropriate taxes had been paid.

In today’s regulatory landscape, these tax stamps serve as proof of cannabis-specific tax payments. They can play a crucial role in reducing tax evasion and supply chain diversions. Diversions occur when legally produced products end up on the illicit market, while inversions involve illicit products infiltrating legal retail shelves.

CPEAR also calls for a centralized nationwide track-and-trace system. Such a system would help prevent interactions between legal and illegal markets. It ensures that products sold in states prohibiting cannabis sales are regulated and compliant.

Under Surveillance

The report emphasizes leveraging data sources and surveillance techniques to combat illegal sales. This includes monitoring water and electricity usage, aerial imagery, and soil composition to detect illicit cannabis activities. Examples cited include computer algorithms for aerial imagery analysis and environmental DNA testing

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Standardized Regulation

CPEAR further recommends federal guidelines to address inconsistent state regulations. These guidelines cover lab testing, packaging, labeling, manufacturing, and advertising. Clear and consistent federal standards can streamline the industry and promote compliance.

The Path Forward

While the report does not explicitly call for federal marijuana legalization, it recognizes the inevitability of a new era in cannabis legality. Policy changes at the federal level are seen as a pivotal moment in the ongoing cannabis reform movement.

Critics and Concerns

Not everyone is on board with CPEAR’s proposals. Critics argue that the focus on enforcement against unlicensed actors may disproportionately affect marginalized communities. They call for a more inclusive approach to allow illicit operators to transition into the regulated marketplace.

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The fight against the illicit cannabis market remains a complex challenge. CPEAR’s report offers a range of strategies, from tax stamps to centralized tracking, aiming to bring transparency, accountability, and fairness to the industry. Whether these proposals will effectively combat the illicit market or not remains a topic of ongoing debate. 🏛️🌿 link to homepage - how to get your medical marijuana card, legal cannabis seeds, seeds, home grow seeds, marijuana seeds, cannabis news, information, swag & merch
